Special Talk

On 4th July, the people of the United Kingdom will be able to vote in the next general election. The leaders of all the major political parties have been making many promises and claiming that they are the best person to lead the country.

But with so many serious issues across all aspects of society, many people doubt that they will be able to keep these promises and genuinely make the country a better and a safer place to live.

The Bible offers a different option when it comes to choosing a leader: Jesus Christ. And the promise that Jesus makes is not something that any political party can offer…the opportunity to live forever in a perfect world.

The Sale Christadelphians are hosting a free Bible talk where you can find out exactly how you can take advantage of this amazing offer and everyone is very warmly invited.

    • Date: Thursday 27 June
    • Time: 7:30pm
    • Location: Christadelphian Hall, 206 Marsland Road, Sale, M33 3NE